Research Methods

The unit will cover the main dimensions of research practice. It is expected to give you the knowledge and acumen required to understand different research approaches and skills, and enable you to complete research within the academic and professional environment.

Applied Marketing Project

The Applied Marketing Project unit runs along the whole of term 2 and term 3 and constitutes a framework for the central ideas and concepts developed throughout your MA.

Trend Forecasting and Analytics

Emerging ideas and future trends are beneficial to companies seeking direction and confirmation of their product development and marketing strategies. These trends cannot be viewed in isolation to the current market environment, but rather as part of a bigger picture applicable to other areas of design and marketing. This unit will explore new trends that will shape our world and their impact on today's global market place.

Marketing Simulator

The Marketing Simulator unit will test your current skill base and enable you to begin to identify with the dynamics of marketing practice integrated in different areas of management. You will place particular emphasis on understanding the contribution of marketing in top decision making and planning through simulation of real life working situation.

Consumer Economics

This unit is focused on the discussion of economic concepts and economic theory. The unit is divided between a microeconomics dimension, with emphasis on the decision making of individual consumers and firms and macroeconomics with orientation to issues such as interest rates, government spending, and other broad economic decisions.

Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing examines key aspects of traditional marketing strategy combined with the presentation of a synthesis of recent thinking on the subject. The key focus of the unit is how companies create and sustain competitive advantage through the engagement of marketing strategies.