General Announcements

MA Marketing - Presentation I Apresentação I Presentación - 13 & 15.12.2021

MA Marketing - Presentation I Apresentação I Presentación - 13 & 15.12.2021

by Sara Petiz -
Number of replies: 0

It is scheduled for December 13th and 15th, the final Project Presentations, from the following MA Marketing students (London Time):

13 December

  • 15h45 - Edward Lowton : Addressing the shift online: How can print B2B magazines remain relevant in the digital era? [Language: EN]
  • 16h30 - Bárbara Trombini: Experience Marketing with omnichannel focus: The humanization of brands beyond a sales strategy. [Language: PT]
  • 17h15 -  Patrícia Cardoso: Marketing strategies that enhance the online purchase of food supplements among consumers aged 25-45 years in Portugal. [Language: PT]
  • 18h0 - Paloma Rivas Martínez: Feasibility Analysis of the Recovery and Harnessing of Skills of Experts over 60 in Mexico. [Language: ES]

15 December

  • 9h00 - Noel Tanner: Factors influencing the success of sports marketing in SMEs.[Language: EN]
  • 9h45 - Sandaruwan Hetti Gamage: Development of a business plan for sustainable online denim brand for the UK market out of Bangladesh. [Language: EN]
  • 10h30 - Dominic Lynch: Digital marketing challenges in developing countries. [Language: EN]
  • 11h15 - Kelsie Millward: Bridging the Gap - A Comparative Study of the Internationalisation of Western Brands within SubSaharan Africa. [Language: EN]
  • 12h00 - Tariq Tayliakh: Impact of Culture on Marketing content and design, and how it reflects on brand and purchase decisions in the GCC Market. [Language: EN]
  • 14h30 - Primoz Poljanec: Impact of social media advertising under the pandemic- A study of the retail sector in Austria. [Language: EN]
  • 15h15 - Alessia Scappatura: Packaging as a brand marketing strategy in the Italian retail sector: its impact on consumer buying behavior. [Language: EN]
  • 16h00 - Ian Wilson: O marketing estratégico pode influenciar o comportamento de compra dos consumidores na indústria britânica de cabos de suspensão? [Language: EN]
  • 16h45 - Fabrice Kamanzi: The impact of e-commerce on Nigerian food service providers during the covid-19 pandemic, a case study of Abuja and Lagos. [Language: EN]
  • 17h30 - Martina Micciulla: Influencer Marketing in Italy: Impact on consumer attitude and purchase behavior. [Language: EN]

Those interested in attending please contact the Tutor Centre - Marketing (