General Announcements

MA Design - Presentation I Apresentação I Presentación - 02 & 05.07.2021

MA Design - Presentation I Apresentação I Presentación - 02 & 05.07.2021

by Sara Petiz -
Number of replies: 0

It is scheduled for July 2 and 5, the final Project Presentations, from the following MA students (London Time):

2 July

  • 4 pm Melanie Ribeiro - How visual culture influences designers and the world. [Language: PT]
  • 4h30pm - Valentina D' Amico - The Shelxagon: Organisational Furniture Shelf for office / study space. [Language: EN]

5 July

  • 9 am - John McDonald - Portable UV and Ozone Sanitizer for Mobile Phones. [Language: EN]
  • 9h30 am - André Mergulhão - The use of QRCodes in museum communication design. Online platform for information and support for exhibitions.[Language: PT]
  • 5h30 pm - Tobias Miorin - DrumPad Innovation. [Language: EN]

Those interested in attending please contact the Tutor Centre - Design (